Breastfeeding support helplines
Speak to an experienced breastfeeding supporter, completely confidential.
Speak to an experienced breastfeeding supporter, completely confidential.
Name |
Number |
Opening hours |
Mamma |
No longer available |
National Breastfeeding Helpline Also in: Polish, Welsh, Bengali, Sylheti |
0300 100 0212 |
9:30am - 9:30pm (also live webchat) |
0300 330 5453 |
9:30am - 10:00pm |
0300 330 0771 |
8:00am - midnight |
0845 120 2918 |
24 hour (avoid overnight unless urgent) |
No longer available |
Don't forget that you can call the midwives at your local hospital's Delivery Ward, 24 hours a day, for up to 28 days after giving birth, if you have any concerns with your baby or your own wellbeing. The above helplines are not a replacement for medical advice, so please contact your GP, midwife or health visitor if you have any medical concerns.
Other helplines
Name |
Description |
Number |
Opening Hours |
Support for families with excessively crying, sleepless and demanding babies |
0845 122 8669 |
9am - 10pm |
Mental health support. We empower people to understand their condition and the choices available to them. |
0300 123 3393 Text: 86463 |
Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm |
It is a place which feels safe, comfortable and welcoming where people who are experiencing severe emotional distress can go for help out of normal working hours. We prioritise access to the Sanctuary through a telephone assessment and triage system. |
0117 954 2952 |
Offer support for people with common mental health problems through self help materials, psycho educational courses and one to one. Can self-refer if you live in North Somerset. |
0300 300 0834 |
If you need to speak to someone urgently, the Samaritans are open 24 hours a day, all year round. Talk to someone now: 116 123